During pregnancy, time of change and transformation, the midwife
becomes an important partner.
As a midwife I would like to accompany
women and couples in their quest to gain confidence and trust in
their instinct concerning the birthing-process.
In addition to the routine clinical check ups/examinations (blood
pressure, weight, control of urine, blood,..) carried out by midwifes
I offer further support in monitoringthe growth of the unborn baby
(messure the uterus and the baby, the position of the baby, the fetal
heart beats..) with my hands, a tape measure and a wooden stetoscope.
My service provides ample time for issues such as:
- questions about your lifestyle (travelling, sports, partnership,…)
- advice
on different pregnancy-problems (sickness, Ischias problems,
fear, backpain..)
- counteracting and treating of pregnancy-problems
(bleeding, early contraction, breech…)
Choosing this service helps take care of problems before they arise.
Should serious problems occur then a doctor or gynocologist is at
This cost of midwifery (advice on the telephone, visits at home
for “Schwangerenvorsorge” or for help during pregnancy-problems
is carried by the health-insurance.